website Installing Word Pres - Installing SSL to the Domain

Installing Word Pres

Once the Name servers are updated, we can proceed with installing the WordPress to the


WordPress is the most commonly used content management system. There are many

Reasons for choosing the Word Press, Some of them are that WordPress is more user

Friendly, easy to customize, comes handy with SEO, etc. Hence we are installing the

WordPress to our domain.

Step 1:

We should login to the client area and should select “My Services” under “Services”

Category. Once done, we should click on our package and select the “Login to CPanel” option

As shown in the image

 a.Login to cPanel

Once we enter the cPanel, we will see the new dashboard as shown in the below imags

B. cPanel

Step 2:

In the CPanel, we should search for “softaculous Apps Installer” to install the WordPress. We

Can just search for the “Softaculous” in the search bar available in the cPanel as shown inc

c. Softculous Apps Installer

We should click on the “Softaculous Apps Installer” which is popping up and so we will get

The dashboard as shown in the image

d. Softculous Apps Instoller Doshboard as in the image

Step 3:

We should select the “WordPress” in the Softaculous installer app and click on “Install

Now”. We need to select the WordPress version which we need to install in the domain and also we need to give the Site name and Site Description as shown in

the image .e


e. Installing WordPress

In addition to this, We need to give the WordPress username and password and then we

Should click on “Install

Step 4:

Now we have installed the WordPress to the domain and we can access

And customize the site using the WordPress.

.f. WordPress Installed Successfully

Step 5:

Now we have successfully installed the WordPress to

g. WordPress Successfully Installed

2. Installing SSL to the Domain

SSL is mandatory for all the websites. Here let’s see the importance of SSL for the websites

And the step by step guide to integrate them.

2.1. What is SSL & Why it’s important?

SSL called as a Secure Sockets Layer. It is used to make the communication between the

Server and the web browser Secured. SSL encrypts the communication between the server

And the web browser & protects it. SSL ensures that all the communication which is

Happened between the server and the web browser is private and secured via encryption.

SSL encrypts and protects the data which the user is submitting in the website like contact

Details, login details, payment details and many more. SSL is must for all the website and

Even Google has released an update recently which says that the website with SSL is given

More priority in the search results.

As a normal user, you can easily spot whether a website has SSL or not. Website without SSL

Will be loaded in http whereas the website with SSL will be loaded as https. For Example, (Website without SSL) and (Website

with SSL)

In the web browser, you will notified with the “Not Secured” connection text if the website

Doesn’t have SSL

2.1.a. Website without SSL

From the image, You can see that the website doesn’t have SSL and

Hence the Google Chrome browser shows as “Not Secure” connection. As a normal user,

You should be careful while entering your details in the website which doesn’t have SSL as

There are chances for data theft.

If a website has the properly intergrated SSL certificate, then Google Browser will notify you

With a green pad lock symbol which says it’s a secured connection.

2.1.b. Website with 5SL

As you can see in the image, Websites with the SSL will be displayed in the web

browser with a green pad lock symbol.

2.2. How SSL Secures your Website?

SSL secures the data which is transferred between the web browser and the server. For

instance, if you are having an eCommerce website, then the users may tend to insert the

card details for making the payment and many more personal information. These details

should be transferred to the server from the browser to complete the transaction. In this

case, SSL will encrypt the details which is submitted by the users and will transfer the data

to the server. Here the encryption of the data between the web browser and server

prevents the data theft. This is how SSL secures your website and the data. Hence SSL is

must for all the websites.

Not only the card details, SSL also protects the other details which is submitted by the users

like login details, contact details and many more. SSL also has a positive impact in the

website in terms of SE0.

SSL can be integarted to your website with the help of the web hosting provider. Here lets

see the step by step guide to integrate the SSL certficate for a website.

2.3. Types of SSL Certificates

There are mainly three types of SSL Certificates available and based on the requirement,

You can choose the one. Here let's see the different types of SSL certificates and their uses.

3.1.Domain Validated (DV) Certificates

Domain Validated SSL certificates are the most simple and basic level of SSL certificate. DV

certificates will just establish a secure connection between the web browser and the server.

DV certificates are best for the normal website. These level of certificates are providedby

checking upon the registry for domain information and wil not require any organizational


Domain Validated certificates can be integrated within minutes to a website. We need to

just claim that we own the domain and have full control over it. DV certificates are the basic

version of the SSL certificates which can be used for the normal websites.

In the DV certificates, no company information is submitted and its just displayed as a

normal secured source.

3.2. Organization Validated (OV) Certificates

As the name suggests, Organization Validated certificates are one level higher than the DV

certificates. OV SSL Certificates provides the secured connection between the server and the

browser. Also, to avail a OV certificate, we need to provide the valid business information to

ensure that the domain name belongs to a legitimate business.

Organization Validated certificates looks similar to the DV certificate. It is costlier than the

DV certificates. You can go for the OV certificate if you run a legitimate business and also

Collecting some important information from the users through the website.

Organization Validated certificates requires lots of business information to be submitted

While integrating the SSL. OV certificates can be used for the commercial websites where

More security is need for the communication.

3.2. Ov Certificate

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