What is Web Hosting?
Web Hosting provides the storage space for your website in the server on the internet. All
your website data will be stored in the server. Web Severs where your website data's are
stored are the multitasking high configuration computers which is capable of handling many
requests at the same time. For instance, if multiple users request to view your site from
different computers at the same time, Web Servers are capable of handling all those
requests and will deliver the requested webpages to all the users instantly.
In simple words, Web Hosting will help you to make your website available in internet for
others to access it. Web Hosting provider will store all your files and data which belongs to
your website & hosts it in the internet. So it will be available for all the users to access it.
Web Hosting provider will offer all the technologies that is needed for a website to be live
on the internet. So all your files, data & emails which belongs to your website will be stored
in a common place called Server. This Server is managed and maintained by your Web
Hosting provider. All your website data will be available in the server.
When a user searches your website name in the internet, then the user's computer will
connect to the server and retrieve the data and will display the website in the users
Thus Web Hosting is done by the hosing providers to store all your website data in a Server
and so any normal users can access it using the Internet from their personal computer.
1. Different types of Web Hosting
There are many types of web hosting available and based on your requirement you can
choose the best one for you. Each type is unique and has its own functionalities. Now here
let's see the different types of web hosting methods and its functionalities.
1(a). Shared Web Hosting
In the Shared Web Hosting, as the name sugeests one web server will be shared by many
websites. You will not have any information about the other websites which are hosted on
the server. Each and every website will be allocated with limited resources and allowed to
utilize only the allocated resources.
Shared web hosting can be a best option, if your website doesn't have more traffic. In this
case, you can go with the shared web hosting. Cost for the shared web hosting will be
cheaper when compared with the other web hosting packages. The only disadvantage about
the shared web hosting is that the resources will be limited for your website.
When you have hosted your website in shared web hosting, then you may feel slight lag in
the load time of the website if your site receives more traffic. Hence you can go with shared
web hosting packages only if your website has less traffic.
Pros of Shared Web Hosting
⚫ Its very cheap when compared with other web hosting packages.
⚫ Best for beginners and small website.
⚫ Shared web hosting usually comes with a built in cPanel which is easy to manage.
⚫ More technical knowledge is not needed to manage the Shared Web Hosting
Cons of Shared Web Hosting
⚫ Server resources will not be dedicated to you & it will be shared with other website.
⚫ You may face slower loading time in some cases.
⚫ Chances for unexpected downtime.
1.(b) Virtual Private Server (VPs) Hosting
VPS Stands for Virtual Private Server and VPS hosting is usually best suited for the business
websites where the downtime should not happen for any reasons. In VPS Hosting, you will
be allocated with the dedicated resources from the other users. VPS Hosting will have
multiple websites hosted in the same server, but the difference here from the shared
hosting is that your website will be allocated with the dedicated recourses. Due to the
allocation of the dedicated resources, the chances for downtime is very less or nil.
VPS Hosting is best for the website owners who receives medium level of traffic and at the
same time when they don't need the resources available in the completely dedicated
server. In this case, VPS Hosting is the best option where the website owners can experience
the improved version of the shared hosting options with the dedicated resources to them.
Pros of VPS Hosting
⚫ VPS Hosting is cheaper than the dedicated hosting, but comes with the dedicated
⚫ More configuration options available in the server.
⚫ Dedicated resources for your website.
⚫ You can feel the faster loading speed of the website with the VPS Hosting.
Cons of VPS Hosting
⚫ Its slightly expensive than the shared web hosting.
⚫ Resources are dedicated, but still the server is shared with the other websites.
⚫ Configuration options are available, but they are limited.
Dedicated Hosting
Dedicated hosting as the name suggests, you will be provided with the dedicated server
which belongs completely for you. So you can host your website in the dedicated server
which is allocated for you. Server belongs only for you, so the resources is fully for your
website and others cannot share your resources.
Dedicated server has many technical configurations, so you need to configure everything
right from the server settings, software's, resources and many more. Hence it needs more
technical knowledge to handle it.
Dedicated hosting is best suited for the websites which receives more traffic in a regular
manner. Even it can be a blogging site or business website, dedicated server is capable of
handling tons of requests at the same time. Also, the cost for the dedicated hosting will be
high when compared with the shared or VPS hosting.
Pros of Dedicated Hosting
⚫ You will not share the resources with the others
⚫ You will have dedicated server for you with complete access to the resources
⚫ Guaranteed fast load times and you will not face any slow load time
⚫ Comes with complete security
Cons of Dedicated Hosting
⚫ Requires more technical knowledge to configure the server settings
⚫ Cost is high when compared with the other hosting packages
Cloud Hosting
Cloud hosting can alsa be called as the improved or the hybrid version of the VPS hosting.
Cloud hosting has multiple remote servers, For instance if one server is down or fails, then
the other server comes in action and improved the website performance. So Cloud hositng
contains multiple remote servers and each server has different responsibilities.
When you choose the cloud hosting, the uptime rates will be high and your website will
rarely face the slow load time or downtime.
When it comes to pricing, in the cloud hosting you will pay only for what you use. As you
know there will be lots of fluctuations in the website traffic. You will not pay more than
what you use in the cloud hostinge
Pros of Cloud Hosting
⚫ Cloud hosting is best suited for websites with medium and high level of traffic.
⚫ You will not face any downtime.
⚫ You can scale up the plans whenever needed.
⚫ You will pay only for what you use.
⚫ Highly secured.
Cons of Cloud Hosting
⚫ If your website traffic suddenly increases, then yau need to pay more if there is more
resource utilization.
⚫ There will be fluctuations in the pricing.
2. How to choose the best web hosting provider?
Before choosing a web hosting provider, you need to look into many options. Here let's see
one by one. Check whether the web hosting provider has 24 by 7 customer support. Ideally,
if you are buying any web hosting packages, you need technical support from the web
hosting provider. Hence it's important to make sure that the web hosting provider offers
good customer support. It will also help you to sort the technical issues if you face any.
Check whether your web hosting provider has good customer reviews in the past. If any
particular web hosting provider has good client reviews, then feel free to choose them.
Check whether the web hosting provider offers the affordable hosting packages when
comparing with the other providers
So you should choose your web hosting provider only after checking all these and it's also
recommended to host the website where you are registering your domain name.
In our case, I am going to choose SeekaHost my web hosting provider where I have already
registered and hosted 100+ domains. Now let's see on how to host a website with
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