What is a domain | Domain name kya hai | domain name free

What is a domain name ? 

Domain name kya hai ?


1. What is a domain name?
Simply put, domain name is the name of your website. Also, nearby users
The world will use the domain name to access your website. Ideally the domain name would be
Your identity of your website.
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The computer will use a series of numbers to identify a domain name, but since users find
It is difficult to keep the numbers in mind to identify the domain. domain name arrived
action. So normal users can easily identify or access a domain by using the domain name.
The domain is unique for each website, so no two websites can have the same domain name.
Domain names can contain letters, numbers and symbols. domain name can
Combination of all these is also made. For example, you can have domains like
www.yourdomain name.com or www.your-domain-na me.com or
www.yourdomainname123.com. You cannot use special characters or symbols
except domain name
Domains should be easy to remember and recognized by users. If you are planning to buy
A domain name for your business5, so you can buy the domain name with the same name as
Your brand name
 2. Are domain names free? How to buy domain
Domain names are available both for free and paid. But the free domain names will have

some restrictions whereas you have full control over the paid domains. For example, you

can register free domains using WordPress, Blogspot and many more platforms.

Here lets take an example, If you are planning to register a domain name for free. Then the

free domain name will have an extra extensionlike www.vourdomainname.wordpress.com

If you are registering for paid version, then you will get the domain like


Also, in the free domain many options are restricted and you will not have full control over

the domain functionalities. But if you are going for the paid version and registering the

domain with any domain name provider like SeekaHost, then you will have access to all the

functionalities of the domain.

3. What is a domain extension?
Domain extension is the part of the domain name. For instance, if you take
www.clickdo.co.uk domain, in this .co.uk is the domain extension. There are various types of
domain extensions available like com,.org, .net and many more. Lets see the types of
domain extensions in the coming sections. You can choose the domain extension based on
the objective of your website or based on the country as well. For instance if you are
planning to start a blogging site targeting UK audience, then you can go with .co.uk domain
extension. If you are planning to target the Indian audience, then you can go with in
domain extension. So based on your objective, you can choose the domain extensions.
 4. Different types of domain extensions

Top Level Domains (TLD)

Country Code Top Level Domains (cCTLD)

Generic Top Level Domain (gTLD)

4.1. Top Level Domains (TLD)

As you know already that domain extension is a part of the domain name and it comes with

many types. Top level domains (TLD) covers all type of dormain extensions other than

country based domain extensions. For instance the domain extensions like .com, .org,.net,

edu will come under top level domains and the country based domain extensions like

co.uk, .in, will not come under the top level domains category. So in simple words, top level

domain extensions covers all the domain extensions except the country base domain


4.2. Country Code Top Level Domains (ccTLD)

All the domain extension which are represented by a country is called as country code top

level domain extensions. There is a specific domain extension to represent each and every

country. For example, co.uk is for United Kingdom, .in for India, .com.au for Australia and

similarly there are unique domain extension representing each country. All these country

based domain extensions will come under country code top level domains (ccTLD)

4.3. Generic Top Level Domain (gTLD)

Generic top level domain is one of the type within the top level domain. There are over

1500+ top level domains at the moment and some of the most commonly used generic top

level domain extensions are .com, .org, .net,.info, .pro, .biz, and many more. However the

registrations of certain generic top level domains needs some proof of legibility. Generic top

level domains are maintained by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (1ANA) for use in

Domain Name System of the Internet.

5. Domain Structure

A normal domain name is composed of three sections like top level domain, second level

domain and third level domain.

URL (Uniform Resource Locator) of a website is usually contains three main sections like top

level domain, second level domain and the third level domain. For example, here lets take

www.clickdo.co.uk& classify the parts.

5.1. TLD (Top Level Domain)

In www.clickdo.co.uk top level domain is the .co.uk which is a country code top level

domain extension. So in this URL.co.uk is the cCTLD

5.2. Second Level Domain

In www.clickdo.co.uk second level domain is the one which is found left of the cCTLD or TLD.

That is "clickdo" which is found left to the dot of the TLD is the second level domain. Clickdo

is the second level domain in the URL www.clickdo.co.uk

5.3. Third Level Domain

Third level domain is optional and in most cases it is more customizable. Based on the

requirement, you can create your own third level domain name. For example, lets take an

example of UK Business Blog- https://business.clickdo.co.uk. In this .co.uk is the ceTLD,

clickdo is the second level domain, business is the third level domain. So the third level

domain can be customized as per the requirement.

6. Who owns a domain name?

The person who registers the particular domain name with the registrar owns that particular

domain. So the domain owner who registers has the full control of that domain. The domain

once registered will not be available for buying for others. For instance, we have already

registered a domain called clickdo.co.uk and hence this domain will not be available for

registration unless the domain owner of the clickdo.co.uk drops this domain or fails to


6.1. When to renew a domain name?

By default, when you register a new domain. It comes with 1 year renewal period. After that

the particular domain will expire. Hence you need to renew the domain name every year to

own it. If you fail to renew the domain, then that particular domain will be available for all

and anyone can buy it using any domain name registrar like SeekaHost. So if you register

any new domain, you should always renew on time.

What happens if you fail to renew tour domain name?


So if you fail to renew your domain in time, then that particular domain will expire and you

will not have any control/access over it. Before moving forward, you need to know about

the some of the terminologies which are listed below.

.Domain Name System (DNS)

Domain Name Registry

Domain Registrar

Domain Reseller

Domain Registrant

Domain Name System (DNS)


DNS Domain Name System is the decentralized naming system for the computers and the

other resources connected to the internet. ldeally, domain name system will map the IP

addresses to the easily remember-able domain names in the internet.

As you know that human's use domain names to access the website. But the computers

uses series of numbers called IP addressed to access the website. So when the user types in

and searches for any domain name in the web browser. DNS finds the appropriate IP

address of the domain name which is typed by the users and loads that particular website in
the users computers. Domain Name System can also be called as a phone book of internet
where one can find all the domain names and the associated IP's.
Domain Name Registry
Domain name registry is the central database which contains the collection of all the
domain names and the associated registrant information in it. Domain name registry is a
organization which manages the top level domain names. Domain name registry will create
the domain extensions along with the rules for the usage of the same. Then the domain
name registry will work with the domain name registrars like SeekaHost, Godaddy to sell the
domain names for the normal users.
Domain Registrar
Domain name registrar is the authorized place to register the domain names. For example,
SeekaHost is an authorized domain name registrar. If you are planning to register any new
domain name, you can just go ahead and create an account in SeekaHost and register the
new domain. Domain name registrar is an authorized place to register a new domain.
Domain Reseller
Domain name reseller can be anyone. In simple words, Domain name resellers will register
and own many domains. The domain name reseller will resale the domains which he owns.
Ideally, reseller will sale the domain for higher price. Reseller's will hunt the best expired
domains with good stats and will sel them to the normal users for better price.
Domain Registrant
Domain Registrant is you. Yes, you are the domain registrant who registers a new domain
and owns it. Registrants will either buy the domain name from the domain name registrars
directly or they will buy from the domain name reseller's. Domain name registrant will
manage his/her domain with the domain name registrar
After Domain Expiry?
Domain registrars will notify you about your domain expiry. So you can renew the domains
in time when you receive such notifications. Even you can put your domains in auto renew
mode, so it will renew every year automatically. Even if you fail to renew your domain, then
some process will occur after that as below
Grace Period
Redemption Grace Period
Expired Domain Grace Period
Even if you have missed the domain renewal date, Still there is a chance for you to renew it
and get the domain back. This is called grace period and it may vary from registrar to registrar. Grace period comes after the domain renewal date and if you didn't renew the
domain before the renewal date, still you can ren ew and ovwn the domain before the grace
period ends. Redemption Grace Period
Once the normal grace period is over, then you will enter into the redemption grace period
window. This redemption grace period window is the final time allowance of 30 days for you
to renew the domain and keep it. If you are planning to renew the domain in this
redemption grace period, then you will be charged additionaly on top of the normal domain
renewal fee. This fee is charged by the domain registry. Expired domain
if you have missed both the grace period and the redemption grace period. Then you will
lose the ownership of your domain and it will be available in public for the others to register
and own it. After the grace period and the redemption grace period, the domain name will
be either available in backorder, auction, etc.

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