How to host a website | Buying a web hosting plan with SeekaHost | Web Hosting Packages

How to host a website?

As you know we have already registered a new domain with SeekaHost called Now let's see how to host this newly registered domain with SeekaHost

and make it live on the internet.

If you don't have an account with SeekaHost, then you need to create a account in

SeekaHost under your name and should proceed with website hosting

1. Buying a web hosting plan with SeekaHost

Previously have already registered a new domain with SeekaHost, Now I am hosting the
same domain with SeekaHost.

Step 1:

Login to your SeekaHost account and click on the "Services" in the client area. Under
"Services", select the "Order New Services" as shown in the below image 1.a
           1.a. Order New Services with SeekaHost

Step 2:

In the next step, you can choose the best web hosting package based on your requirement.
In this case, I am moving forward with the small "Small Web Hosting" package under the
"Personal Web Hosting"
As you can see from the below image 1.b., SeekaHost offers wide range of web hosting
packages and you can choose the best based on your requirement.
              1.b. Web Hosting Packages

Step 3

In the next step, we will need to choose the domain which you are planning to host. So we
can just enter the domain name with the extension as shown in the below image. 1.c.
               1.c. Seiect the domain to host
Since I have registered the domain already with SeekaHost, is available under
my account and I can choose the same.
Suppose if we are planning to register a new domain or transfer a domain from the other
registrar, we can do it in this step as you can see already there are options available for that.

Step 4

Now we need to select the hosting package. we can gO with the monthly, quarterly, semi-
annually or annual package.
Now I am going with the annual package as we can see in the below image 1.d.
             1.d. Choosing the annual pockoge with SeekaHost
Since I have chosen the personal web hosting plan, it comes with the 1GB disk space. 10GB
data transfer and with 1 email account. Based on the package you choose, the specifications
may vary.

Step 5:

Now, we can just review your packages and plans. Once we confirmed everything, we can
proceed with the checkout and make the payment.

Review &Checkout

1.e. Checkout

Step 6:

Once the payment is successful, we will get the order confirmation mail and we can move to
the client area to proceed with the further steps of hosting the domain.
                       1.f. Order Confirmation

Step 7:

In the client area, we can click on the "Services" and under that "My Services", Now we can
see our personal web hosting plan is active for the domain
                      1.g. My Services in SeekoHost

Step 8:

Confirmation email with the web hosting details will be sent our registered email. In that
email we can find all the details regarding the domain hosting.
Below is the email which I have got when I purchased this personal web hosting package. So
we can simply follow the instructions in the email to proceed with the hosting. Email will
have all the login details and the name server details.

               1.h. Confirmation email with login details

 2. Hosting a website with SeekaHost

So far now, we have chosen the best web hosting package from SeekaHost and purchased it.
Now it's time to host the domain name and make it live on the internet.
Below are the step by step guide to host the website.

2.1. Updating the Name Servers

Step 1:

Login to the client area and select the "My Services" under the "Services" option. Now we
can see the web hosting package which we have recently purchased.
Now we need to update the "Name Server" details. we can find the new name server details
in the email which we have received from SeekaHost (refer the image 2.1.a)
If you are using an existing domain with your new hosting account, you wll need to
update the nameservers to point to the nameservers listed below.

Uploading Your Website

Temporarily you may use one of the addresses given below to manage your web site:

                             2.1.a. Name Server Details

Step 2

Click on "Manage Domain" in my services section as shown in the image 2.1.b. In the
next window select the "Nameservers" option as shown in the image 2.1.c

2.1.b. Manage Domain
2.1.c. Select the Nameservers

Step 3:

You can update the first four name servers as per the email instructions and click on
"Change Nameservers" as shown in the image 2.1.d
2.1.d. Updating the Nomeservers

Step 4:

Now we have updated the name servers and it will take some time to reflect in the actual

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